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Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Kyokai (OGKK)
Minei Dojo Shibu Dojo Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会 嶺井道場ブリスベン支部道場
Instructor Profiles
Meet The Instructors

Sensei Allan

Sensei Terry
Sensei Craig, Allan, and Terry all commenced their karate training in 1989 and have continued to practise Goju-Ryu until this day. Several times a year sees them make the journey to Okinawa to further hone their karate skills and deepen their understanding of the Okinawan culture and people, both an integral part of traditional budo (The martial way).
Sensei Craig
Head of OGKK - Minei Dojo
Brisbane, Australia
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