Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Kyokai (OGKK)
Minei Dojo Shibu Dojo Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会 嶺井道場ブリスベン支部道場
Cost: $200 per year - Yes that's correct
We are a non-profit group simply wanting to spread and help preserve the traditions of Okinawan Goju- Ryu Karate and Matayoshi Kobudo as taught to us by our own teachers. The fee simply goes into dojo maintenance, running costs and equipment when needed.
In addition, all we ask is for you to:-
Train consistently
Have a positive attitude
Willing to learn and listen
Fitness level - Any OK !
If you have already read the “What To Expect” section and are still interested in joining, then please contact us.
We will organise a time and day to meet up for a little chat to discuss further details. This way we can gain a better understanding of each other's expectations.
*NOTE: Students will only be accepted at our discretion. In the case you are not, we can always recommend other clubs and styles that cater more towards what you are seeking.