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Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Kyokai (OGKK)
Minei Dojo Shibu Dojo Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会 嶺井道場ブリスベン支部道場

Matayoshi Kobudo 又吉古武道
(Okinawan Weaponry)
Yonabaru Shubukan - Australia Dojo

We also practise the art of Matayoshi Kobudo and just like karate, we frequently train in Okinawa to further our understanding. We are all direct students of Gaja Sensei, Master and Director of Yonabaru Shubukan Dojo in Okinawa, and direct affiliates of Matayoshi Kobudo Kodokan - Okinawa, location of the founder of Matayoshi Kobudo.
Some weapons covered include:-
Bo Sai Tonfa Eku Kama Nunchaku

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