Never the most cheerful of topics, but this morning we woke up to the news that the son of OGKK South Africa Shibucho (and Okinawan goju practitioner) had died due to covid complications. We never had the chance to meet but have had several interactions with his parents in Okinawa. A young man with a young family and a long future ahead of him – and that is probably why it hit me so hard being in a similar situation.
Personally speaking though, it’s not how long you live, but what you do with your life when you’re living. The physical life lasts only a short time and in a heartbeat, you maybe 60 or 70 before realising you haven’t really done or achieved anything worthy - A wasted life.

Many successful people have died at a young age, but to this day are still relevant in modern day life. Bruce Lee at the age of 34 and some of my favourite musicians – Kurt Cobain from the band NIRVANA at age 27, and TUPAC at 25 just to name a few. Yes, they may be physically gone, but when you turn on the radio and hear their tunes it makes us feel alive. Their work, their motivation, or whatever positive point that is associated, lives on in us forever. So, it doesn’t matter how long you live, take note of what you do when you are living. Live a meaningful life and for other people, and not always about me me me.