Over the weekend I had a little free time up my sleeve so what better way to spend it than to make spare sets of kobudo weapons. By no means am I any expert in weapons production, nor was it my intention to. What started out as an enormous under-the-house summer clean up, ended up being a mass production line for what most people know as NUNCHUCKAS ay mate - also known as Nunchaku to the Okinawans.

It’s always so satisfying being able to utilise left over junk into something of value instead of buying something straight off the shelf. What’s even more rewarding is to be able to fine tune something to the point where you eventually get that F#%$ Yeah feeling. I never had a specialist to guide me through any steps, then again who would be able to offer their expertise in transforming chairs and clothing racks into weapons of mass kiais?
After much trial & error and cussing & cursing, the end result was something that performed well and looked pretty shmick in my eyes. Content as I was, I knew there was still plenty of room for improvement - that I'll do next time round. And just like your own training ladies and gents, how about spend more time thinking and doing instead of asking and yawning 😀
