"2020 is going to so different from other years, I'm going to lose weight, bulk up, travel the world, find a better job, a nicer partner....................."
I'm sure so many of you have heard the same ole talk year in year out but after the first month or two, goals and expectations start to go downhill. Why is this? The issue seems to be that people tend to be over-ambitious and aim for goals without having really planned for anything. This too seems to be a common occurrence when it comes to new karate learners. The first several months attendance is perfect, social plans are cancelled in order to come to class, nothing is on one's mind apart from training, training, training. Fast forward a few months and what do you know, the order is in reverse, excuses are made for absences, and finally, the student disappears into thin air.
Going back to goals, from a personal point of view, be it work, social, or karate, the first step after having decided what it is that you want to achieve is simply buckle down! Break down your actions into daily behaviors and habits that will allow you to attain it. By taking baby steps toward reaching your larger goal, momentum will be built, thus widens into the desired final result. However tiny our progress is, our brains seem to be intertwined with a sense of reward. By obtaining these small accomplishments on a daily basis, will hopefully transform into regular habits that ultimately become part of your routine. Over time every little action adds up which in my eyes, is significantly more beneficial than any one-off massive change. Just my thoughts - Keep on training :)
