Out of the dojo I am, and the thoughts from the night’s session come scurrying through. Regardless of the pace of the Karate or Kobudo learner, skills can always be taught- attitude and character however, I think not. It definitely helps to have students who embody what your dojo stands for. Even if technique or coordination may be lacking, a positive attitude definitely ensures growth. I’ve found over time it is the way one confronts challenges and remains positive that makes all the difference in the world. Positivity - a superhero power that aids us in conquering any difficulties and inspire fellow karate-ka both in and out of the dojo. Good night!
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Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Do Kyokai (OGKK)
Minei Dojo Shibu Dojo Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会 嶺井道場ブリスベン支部道場
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