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Does this Crown make my head look fat?

Writer: OGKK AustraliaOGKK Australia

** A blog with no complaints about karate people, mcdojos, or the world in general?? Well that’s definitely not me writing then. Here’s a post from our fearless leader and Australasian OGKK Director -

Craig Bates.


Nearly two decades ago, we started our adventure to explore Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate. Prior to that we’d spent around a similar amount of time in a Japanese Goju Kai based version of Karate. My mind starts to spin that in one way or another, that us 3 guys have been training in Karate or some form of martial arts for almost 40 years straight… wow right! I personally don’t see myself as anyone special, I’m just an everyday person who enjoys training in Karate. I’m not doing anything all that spectacular - I am simply just doing. I struggle to grasp how far (or not) we’ve come.

Back in our Parallel universe Goju Kai days, we had dreams of being a black belt. Then when we reached this, we were given all the honorary titles – Sempai, Sensei, Renshi, Shihan, Kyoshi (Don't forget them HO ranks 😉). You’d make sure everyone lined up according to rank. No matter how tough of a Karate-ka you were and if someone stood in the wrong spot, your poor little ego would be bruised. We were indoctrinated to strive for rank and the next title, but only because we did not know any better. I think I’ve developed a nervous tick just thinking about this mindset. Looking back now, I just can’t fathom wanting to obtain any of these titles or levels of status, hell I feel somewhat uncomfortable even when our students refer to us as ‘Sensei’.

This Crown makes my head itch

I’ve seen some Karate-ka refer to themselves as a ‘Karate Master’ – well good for you, but you might want to get that crown resized first. For me, this would mean I’d have to refer to myself as ‘Master Bates’, how could anyone take this seriously! I’m just laughing out loud thinking about it.

My Name is Craig – this is what my parents named me; it fits well. If I had no Karate students, it would still be Craig. If I gave up Karate tomorrow, it would still be Craig. My friends, family, colleagues and everyone else in the world call me Craig. This is enough for me. If our students want to call me (us) ‘Sensei’, then I can appreciate that – but calling me Craig is fine too.

So why do you teach then, if it’s not for rank or title?

Our passion for what we do drives us on. We strive to remain humble and just keep doing our thing. To quote the respected Master Yoda  ‘Do or Do Not, there is no try’. This makes me think, it is called ‘Karate-Do’ & not ‘Karate-Try’ right? So, we simply just keep doing it.

(yes, I know - this is corny as hell! but the picture below is even cornier!)

So who wears the Sensei crown?

The question was raised at group training the other day - “Why do any of us train in karate?”

For the most of us, the answer was a little elusive, but the consensus was “because we like it”. It is our little community of friends and family that have a likeminded interest in the martial arts. The karate maybe what brings us together, but we stay for the people. Simply liking and sharing, with a pinch of good-hearted people is enough for us. Unsurprising, not one person said ‘Because I like or want to be the Sensei ‘. Even for us senior people, our heads are not ready to have this Crown bestowed upon it. The Minei Dojo, in Okinawa is where you will find our Sensei. Once many years back we asked Nanko Minei Sensei, the following question: “You and the Minei dojo have given us so much, yet never asked for anything in return. What can we do to show our appreciation”? The answer was simple – ‘Please share what you have learnt and the Okinawan Culture’.

Since that day, this has been our goal – to try and honor what has been asked of us and pay forward that what had been and still is being shared with us. Nanko Minei Sensei has since passed away, but his legacy has not with his son now at the helm. We are all so proud to be a Branch Dojo and could not be happier.

The Minei Dojo is where our karate hearts and family reside, being able to share this is a privilege and enough for us. Here is where you find our Sensei, not sitting on a throne, but standing beside us, training with us and sharing all they have.



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