Today, as I was reading some karateka’s blog on Instatrash, there was another reader who posted how he disagreed with the original author’s thoughts and ideas. You could feel the sense of displeasure in the way things were worded. Reading the back and forth of this gentleman's posts, I felt sorry for him and others on this earth who cling to their own point of view as if life depended on it. Irritated and even offended that someone else has an opposing idea or thought – How dare they?

Opinions like anything in life will gradually fade away, but why do we humans always seem to hold on to so much anger and ignorance towards others who have beliefs different from our own? Life is too short for such nonsense. Give me more doses of peace and love any day!
Anyway, the topic of discussion was about how the writer hates teaching karate, with the zendokai gent stating how absurd that is - you get the gist. Ahhh stuff it, it's Saturday night - what else better to do than have a nosey little read of some randoms talking about karate....Here’s a few snippets of the discussion 😊 (*NOTE - usernames have been removed) Enjoy and good night.
