When I installed my first makiwara back in the day, boy was I stoked. I remember in one go I had made over 6, all with different thicknesses, lengths, and timber types, however only ever using 3 at the one time. The remaining ones were stored underneath the house in the off chance that one day I would have the entire collection setup simultaneously. Oh, I lied, I had one sitting in our bedroom in a metal base plate over a year before the wife complained that I appreciated how much it looked more than I do her…. So out in the open air for its intended purpose it went.

Over the years with niggling injuries here and there, the discomfort in my shoulders with each thump of that stiff wood eventually took its toll. Debilitating pain which made me question should I or shouldn’t I be using it? Am I exacerbating the problem? Well, enough was enough. Instead of seeking medical advice, I thought it was finally time to upgrade (or is it downgrade?) my makiwara. The rigid toughness which all my makiwaras once possessed, have now been replaced by either semi-rigid or flexi ones.
All too often do we hear individuals complain about feeling too old or battered to continue a physical activity and quit instead of adapting to change. Nah, not this boy. Anyway, I couldn’t be happier with the way Maki version 3.0 feels. Less strain, more whack!
