A friend on facebook invited me to LIKE / Follow their friend's karate club's page just a few minutes ago.... Neither which I did as I have no interest in what goes on in their world. I must admit I did have a little scroll, and by little I mean I stopped at the very first post. My eyes almost popped out of its sockets as the post was about their club being closed from this week until...... are you ready..... are you sure ?? Want your eyes popping out too...?? OK - Closed until 27th January ... Holy bejesusssssss !!
"You cannot be serious!" .... This was exactly what I was talking about in the previous blog post how karate schools seem to be closed for way too long throughout the year.... then again if the business and client are happy, why does it matter anyway...and you're probably right. It's just me I guess, I don't understand a lot of people, and maybe many people don't understand me and my necessity to train.

Tonight, after all my students cancelled training due to the unpredictable Brisbane weather, along with my dodgy shoulder from work (Not that injuries usually prevent me from doing some form of training), in addition to family matters, I decided even I the super ADD-OCD-1000-push-ups a day man needed to take one night off and attempt to do nothing. And so, nothing I did but felt a hollowness, almost lost, a feeling comparable to not being able to see a girlfriend for a day during the honeymoon period ....maybe not that extreme but hopefully you get the drift. Maybe I've got issues (mental? physical?) where they can only be resolved in the dojo.
Many a time have we been told by Toki Sensei (especially after a few drinks) of Miyazato Sensei's words about the priorities in life in relation to taking care of family first, work, followed by karate. Such a simple concept and one I whole-heartedly agree with. I do think, however, my karate has often taken priority, and something I know I need to work on.
Going off track, my brudda sent me this picture today saying how it's got my name written all over it.... Unfortunately it's true haha. Beer Goooooood! Karate Gooooood! People suck - go get yourself a dog 😃 and Good night !
