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What's the difference between Swan Lake and Karate?

Writer: OGKK AustraliaOGKK Australia


As some of you may know, my elderly mother is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. A nasty illness where nothing can be done, while you can only sit back and notice the negative effects continually decline. I know whatever I do and think about in my daily life relates to karate in one-way shape or form, so too do I incorporate my karate beliefs and way of thinking in dealing with my mum’s condition. I’m no doctor or expert on this, but just like my training and the way I have been positively influenced by our sensei and sempai in Okinawa, I aim to:–

  • Keep things simple (or as our sensei says it – SHIMPURU)

  • Focus on (her) feeling, rather than just talking and rambling on (like your Mr-know-it- all karate master)

  • Never dispute, reason, or over-analyse (her actions)

  • Try to make light out of any situation – especially frustrating ones (I still remember as clear as daylight, one of my early trips to Okinawa. Doing kururunfa for the first time in front of Okuma Sensei thinking how awesome I was …Hey - I was recently invited to the awesomeness club remember?... Anyway, once I had completed it, he just burst out laughing looking at me like WTF was that 😊 – yep put me back in my place – but why so serious right?

Anyway, I stumbled across a video on youtube today (Swan Lake related) and thought how beautiful and powerful it was. The passion and energy you can feel through her regardless of her struggles with Alzheimer’s is more obvious and genuine than many of today’s karatekas.….…God bless her and anyone else dealing with a terminal illness.

As the report goes....

" A stirring video of a former prima ballerina with Alzheimer’s listening to “Swan Lake” and remembering the choreography of her youth has gone viral after it was posted by a charity. The clip shows late dancer Marta C. González, who danced with the NYC Ballet in the 1960s, listening to Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece and spontaneously reenacting the graceful arm movements from her wheelchair.

Recorded at the Muro de Alcoy senior’s residence in Valencia, Spain, before González’s death last year, the video was posted recently on YouTube by the nonprofit Música Para Despertar and became a viral sensation Sunday after it was shared by actors Antonio Banderas and Jennifer Garner. “Fifty-three years ago she was a dancer with the New York Ballet. Tchaicovsky’s music managed to outwit her Alzheimer’s. It’s been a year since all this,” Banderas said in his Facebook post."

Original link down below...



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