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You can do, but can you teach? You can teach but can you do?

Writer: OGKK AustraliaOGKK Australia

A karate mate from a different ryu-ha came around the other day wanting to have a little chat – or should I say, a huge whinge about one of his senior teaching partners… (OGKK Counselling – how may I help you?) This mate having to hire a hall and pay for the monthly insurance was having a rant about how his partner in crime was driving away students because of his teaching style. A regimented with bore the hell out of everyone speaking style. I personally know this other chap too so could totally understand both sides of the coin. Both kind-hearted gentlemen, always means well, and even has my dog’s tick of approval. What was spoken about I too feel the same.

Let’s say a person or instructor irrespective of area of teaching has an abundance of knowledge and would like to share all that… how it is explained will go a long way in how your students and fellow instructors react and think of you. Why try to over-teach something when the student is not ready, just to show your expertise? Are lengthy and detailed explanations really required with beginners – you need to calm down Freddy! Is a 30-minute reasoning of one bunkai necessary when they have just started learning the new kata? Why talk about good heart this good heart that to a new student on their first night – I know sensei told us, but a bit too much too soon nah? Why try to teach the student more and more when their regular sensei hasn’t even shown them? OK I’ll stop there…. But that’s one of the reasons I’m not the biggest fan of largish group sessions either - too many cooks spoil the training, crap we have group training this Sunday haha. You can add in too much talk and too many I-have-to-bite-my-tongue situations – but the bright side obviously is the socialising afterwards with good food and bevs.       

At this moment I knew exactly what my sensei was thinking. We both bit our tongues, and bit them hard! (Blog for another time)

You can be adept at karate, have a deep understanding, possess a good heart, but can you really teach effectively? Yeah – I’m talking about you! In contrast, you can teach efficiently, speak and even write books eloquently, but can you actually do karate competently? In my situation where I don’t have to consider about rent, insurance, or actively seek new students, I still strive to have a balance between being able to do and teach effectively. Teaching has never been my goal nor priority, but for the few students I do accept, hopefully I have been a good example to them.... If so, organic eggs, red wine and coffee donations welcome anytime. 




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