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Disputes and The Disgruntled

Writer's picture: OGKK AustraliaOGKK Australia

Over the years, have I noticed countless relationships breakdown – karate and kobudo related ones that is. Whether it is between instructor and students; senior sensei and their students who they themselves are instructors to many; and even among senior Okinawan masters. It is evident with all the breakaway clubs who later separate again before yet again rifting off forming their own little Eagle Fang organisation that bickering will forever be present.

Less bickering, more training!

At times, you could say incidents that were lost in translation could have resulted in such bitterness and misunderstanding. In others, may have been a blatant case of playing up due to alcohol fuelled benders. Additionally, just a clash in personalities where each side could not see the other’s view.

It’s a little sad and difficult to understand sometimes when a misunderstanding occurs, why neither party can simply reach out for a sit-down chat with the other to seek clarification and resolve any disputes. What for some may have been a several decade long relationship, vanishing as quick as a bad bout of gas. In the case of Okinawans, I’ve noticed not everything is always black or white, nor is it 3 strikes and you’re out situation – more like 5 strikes plus a 10 year wait and a few cups of coffee and muffins in between before any action is taken. Nevertheless, in any case be it karate, work, or personal relationships, clear communication is and will always be the answer and key to such scenario. (Damn - starting to sound like a relationship expert now….) Reminds me of a little poster thing I used to have up on the wall in my toilet. (See below)

Why Complicate Life?

Missing somebody? CALL

Want to meet up? INVITE

Want to be understood? EXPLAIN

Have questions? ASK

Don't like something? SAY IT

Like Something? STATE IT

Want Something? ASK FOR IT

Love Someone? TELL THEM

We just have one life, keep it simple.

So where is all this coming from? No, I didn’t have a falling out with anyone but for the past week or so, glued all over the internet and TV has been the status of “Novax” Djokovic – will he or won’t he be able to play in the Australian Open Tennis. Well sir, the rules are clearly set and laid out for you in writing. It’s not as complicated as any karate chopping relationship. No vax = No entrance into Oz. And on that note.... Good bye and good night from Australia!

Bye bye !



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