Early last year I blogged about what would happen if a “famous” karate sensei passed away and whether the mass numbers of students would continue training under the same banner.
Can read here: (https://ogkkaus.wixsite.com/karate/post/karate-death-part-2) Well, no one has exactly died, but watching all the politics unfolding at this current moment with another Okinawan Goju Ryu group – or as it states on their website, "The largest Okinawan Karate organization in the World", it will be interesting to see how everything pans out in the near future.
Often is the scenario that the larger the group, the more power-hungry people will appear, consequently, money and politics will eventually trigger the negative domino effect. A rather messed up situation to be in especially if your main desire is simply karate training.
I've been asked a thousand times why I don’t want to expand to a large “organisation” with hundreds of members. Well, there’s part of your answer. How complex is it to just train without all the dramas? Maybe a lot more complicated for many after all.
From the Smallest Okinawan Karate Organization in Australia, I leave you with the OGKK dojo kun.

It reads as follows: -
Be humble and polite
Train considering your physical strength
Practice earnestly with creativity
Be calm and swift
Take care of your health
Live a plain life
Do not be too proud or modest
Continue your training with patience