SOLD! Well it’s official - The house is settled and sold and now the process of moving up 3-4 hours north begins. A little over a month’s time and life as I know it now will greatly change. Exciting yet a little terrifying. New city, new people, and new environment hopefully will be worth it in the end.
Having built a small warm group of students and seeing them develop will be hard to leave. Time and effort poured into them only having to restart the same process yet again. That feeling of having to teach Gekkisai for the millionth time or wondering why walking up and down in sanchin dachi is so difficult for new learners.

Challenges aside, other issues keep revolving in my head.
Will my 2 brothers ever forgive me for building a new dojo smaller than a dog house?
Why am I building such a large pool when I could have squished an extra metre or two of dojo space? Will I even use the pool that much to justify having it – I do burn like a lobster.
Will motivation to train like I am now remain? If not, how much more god damn weight will I put on? (Thank god for the oversize gi I recently bought)
Will what I’m doing and concepts slowly differ and stray away from the others to the point that our sensei will look at me with a WTF expression? Not that my brothers aren't already doing it to me now :)
Will I have to resort to using the wife to practise new bunkai on until I have new students?

Questions, questions, questions…..Like karate, life itself is a challenge. One must finish the first movement before moving onto the next. What’s the point of worrying or questioning so many things when the current step isn’t even completed?