The neighbours decided it was a smart idea to get the power tools out this morning around 6am for a bit of home renos. Having a little sticky beak across the fence wanting to politely tell them to quiet down, I decided to just enter the dojo instead. It was freeeeeeeezing. Not usually affected by the cold, today had some kind of unique dry bitter bite to it. Toes numb, goosebumps on roids, it was absolute torture hovering over the dojo floor. Chilly enough to go back in the house, get my socks on and run back into the dojo. Socks in the dojo? Yeah – sure why not. My dojo, my rules right? Then again, are there actual rules when it comes to clothing and the dojo? Recently I asked my bruddas why at the Minei Dojo Okinawa everyone seemed to be wearing t-shirts while training for the past month? It only really clicked today.
Okinawa in June = 99% Humidity = shirts
Brisbane in June = Body parts shrivelling cold = socks

Not saying we should wear jackets to train each time it’s too frosty or strip off when it’s boiling – But better than making up excuses on why we aren't training at all right? Anyway, after a quick morning session if was off to work......
