Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that I would finally get the chance to fly over to Western Australia for a little karate trip to visit Sensei Mike Clarke "rep" of Jundokan Australia.....and to be able to follow that up a month later to go to our dearly missed Okinawa!
I've always had the belief with anything in life, if you want something bad enough, all it takes is a little will power, research, and of course hard work to reach that goal of yours. I was asked by a few people how on earth I was allowed into Japan when the borders aren't technically opened to everyone yet....Well did you at least google for answers or tips? No? Didn't think so ay.
And in a similar fashion how karate seems to work with the mainstream nowadays, people too often ask first before actually thinking for themselves.
Anyway, writing a blog was never on my mind, but here I am stuck on a no frills flight with no food, no book, and no movies (unless I pay an arm and a left nut) and still have 3 hours to kill. Unfortunately, there isn't enough Sanchin space in the toilets, nor will they let me do kata in the aisles. I'll survive ~ only 2 hours and 59 minutes now.

And on that note, just remember kids - Where there's a will, there's always a way!